Research projects

The research activity developed by ESB aims to explore the potential of wood and bioresource materials, to find new applications and develop uses. Find in this section the research projects carried out by the team.

Projet recherche toiture chaume

Understand the degradation phenomena of thatched roofs

This research project aims to understand why some thatched roofs deteriorate prematurely. In response to the growing number of thatched […]

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étudiante qui travaille sur un microscope

The influence of microorganisms in the aging of wood

This research project is aimed at determining how microorganisms influence wood ageing. Exposure to inclement weather modifies the surface of […]

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Etude sur la vibration des planchers mixtes bois béton

Study on the comfort of the built environment and the floor vibrations

This research project examines the dynamic performance of medium and long-span timber-concrete composite floors. The programme is comparing analytical design […]

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