Carewood, a research project on wood recycling
The main methods for recycling timber include transforming the wood into particles (panel industry) and producing energy.
However, what about good quality and oversize products (beams, window jambs, etc.)? How can they be given a new lease of life while maximising the return on investment?
The CaReWood consortium, which comprises 17 partners (Austria, Germany, Finland, Slovenia and France), is striving to develop and assess techniques for upgrading recovered solid timber into new oversize products that can be used in the furnishing, fitting and construction industries.
The programme’s scientific and technological objectives will be supplemented by an assessment into the environmental, social and economic impacts, as well as labelling criteria for cascaded wood.
2014 – 2019
Enseignants-chercheurs: Jérôme Moreau and Mak Irle / PhD student: François Privat
Partners: WoodWisdom-net Research Programme