Being a student at ESB on the Chantrerie campus in Nantes


Searching for accommodation? Use our dedicated housing platform. With our partner Studapart, access hundreds of exclusive offers: studios, flatshares, homestays… and benefit from personalized support throughout your rent!

Find accommodation in Nantes

The School has a housing platform managed by Studapart.

It is accessible to ESB students and applicants once they are declared admitted.

You can use it to :

  • Find a rental in France and abroad
  • Find your roommate (s) and form roommates in France and abroad
  • Find a temporary room in France and abroad

All ESB housing service on one platform

From applying to booking, take all your steps online on the platform.

To get started, click on “Tenant space” and sign up using your school’s login credentials or your personal email address.

Book accommodation online to benefit from the Studapart Guarantee and support from a team of multilingual experts available 6/7d. 

You don’t have a guarantor living in France? Studapart can replace your guarantor over the whole duration of your stay. 

A guarantor is a person bringing financial security and attesting you are creditworthy. It’s difficult to rent a place in France without a French guarantor. In most cases, student residences and landlords require that your guarantor earns income in France.

You can get the Studapart Guarantee directly on the platform and add it to your rental application to find accommodation on the Studapart platform or anywhere else!

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Formulaire téléchargement brochure MS RBC

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Formulaire téléchargement brochure DRB

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Formulaire téléchargement brochure Ingénieur

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Formulaire téléchargement brochure Bachelor

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Formulaire téléchargement brochure SCBH

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