esb student

Labels and accreditations


Aventure du Vivant logo

ESB is an institution under contract with the French Ministry of Agriculture.

Pays de la Loire Region logo

ESB benefits from the support of the Pays de la Loire Region.

Labels and accreditations

CTI logo

The school has been accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI) to award the engineering degree. This government accreditation underlines the quality of the training programme, which is regularly audited by the current authorities.

Eur-Ace logo

The engineer training benefits from the EUR-ACE label which validates the conformity of the curriculum with European standards.


Formulaire téléchargement brochure MS RBC

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure DRB

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Ingénieur

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Bachelor

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure SCBH

(*) Champs obligatoires